Tuesday, February 21, 2006
  Been playing with Google Base
Google has started a service called Google Base that allows you to share your online stuff and just "stuff in general" with other people. From my first look at it I think its probably purposed to compete with Craig's list in offering up a way for everyone to find something about anything. Its pretty neat as you can fill out a profile of sorts on any given concept and give it attributes. This includes webpages, recipes, people, rentals, jobs, places and the list goes on forever. So I filled out a google base item for my Jambalaya Recipe and another item for myself and my website JerryOdom.com.

Very neat stuff as I never used Craig's list. Craigs list looks alot like a messageboard to me where as there is more structure to this thing. I remember recent news about Craig's list taking issue with people listing their pages and I think this included Google's spidering of it.(can't find the article.) Google must've decided its time to take on this sort of project and it'll be interesting how things go once(if) it goes out of Beta.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
  Baton Rouge Mardi Gras = Bad Weather
I was thinking of checking out more Baton Rouge Mardi Gras Parades this year but due to horrible weather and a nasty cold and fever I've yet to make it to any of them. Crazy Louisiana weather has been nice during the weekdays and miserable on the weekends as if to torture us. Well hopefully I'll make it to the ever popular Spanish Town Mardi Gras parade this year.

Mardi Gras Parades 2006

I haven't been down to New Orleans Mardi Gras for 2006 yet. I don't know if I want to go. It feels a bit wrong to head down there after all thats going on with people that I know still trying to rebuild. Mardi Gras is probably a nice diversion from all the troubles around but I don't know. Maybe its wrong or maybe I'm just under the weather and lazy.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
  The common cold sucks
I must say that whoever comes up with the cure for a common cold will be the richest person on the planet. This Valentines day I wake up with a fever caused by a sore throat. Whats more is that I felt the sore throat coming on in the midnight hours of the morning by a drip in the back of my throat.

How do I know its the common cold?

Well I'm writing this blog in one of the 20-40 minute windows when I don't just want to sleep. Curious I looked up The Common Cold at wikipedia. They have all sorts of historical information from Egypt to Europe on the common cold. Neat.(yes you can feel the enthusiasm) Well time to crash back out. Maybe next time I wake up I'll write the installer for my Firefox extension.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
  Firefox Extensions Toolbar Tutorial for
I've just learned writing Firefox Extensions in the last two weeks and wouldn't you know that the good people from Firefox would change the way their browser behaves in the last week. So the Tutorial I used from Jonah Bishop didn't work anymore because of new ways that Chrome is handled. You now need the chrome manifest. In addition a few aspects of the Mozilla / Firefox Extension Tutorial no longer worked because of small things such as extension ID's changing.(no longer sample@foo.net allowed)

Firefox Extension Toolbar that works!

I was however able to put the two tutorials together and develop a Google toolbar lite of Jonah's that worked. But man I have bad timing on learning something new!
Jerry Odom's Blogger Blog
Blog by a Baton Rouge, Louisiana native and avid Internet user. I talk about my life, Louisiana, 1969 Ford Mustangs, Programming and more.

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Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

I'm a 27 year old Internet professional who enjoys learning new things and anything that makes life Interesting. I write various database applications, browser applications and website software. More about me is a Jerry Odom's Website

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