Friday, March 31, 2006
  More articles than I've ever read about LSU.
You want to talk about pulling LSU's basketball program out of the closet and pushing on the rest of America well John Brady and his squad have done it. I've never read so many articles point out more information about our guys. Quick examples being comments on Tyrus Thomas and Glen Davis by the NBA GM, an article on John Brady talking about the coaches up and down run getting the program on track. Not to mention scores of articles talking about the matchup with UCLA and possibly meeting the Gators again. Its nuts but its fun. I'm happy basketball season lasted so long because I'm sure not looking forward to baseball season boredom.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
  I've started ranking in Google for LSU Basketball....strange
Strange some of the topics that I end up ranking for at Google when I just post regularly at my website. Most recently I saw in Google Sitemaps that my LSU Page has started ranking for LSU Basketball due to me posting a little something everytime our fighting Tigers pull off another amazing basketball game.

The funny thing is that people want to rank for this stuff with their businesses and can't(or they pay for it) simply because they're too lazy to write an original page on a subject such as the LSU Tigers. Too lazy to write....sad.

Well my system administrator just fixed my server so I can get back to trying to make some programmed magic happen. Geaux LSU Tigers in the Final Four
Friday, March 24, 2006
  LSU beats Duke to advance to Elite 8
One of those times I'm glad to be wrong when I had LSU losing to Duke and the Blue Devils winning the NCAA tournament. Sometimes its so sweet to be wrong about something. What a game, what a game.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
  99 anti-spyware companies on the wall....99 anti-spyware comanies...yeah
We've all heard the 99 bottles of beer song before well lately I've felt like that concerning writing anti-spyware companies concerning them detecting the College Toolbar even though the toolbar isn't spyware. Reason for the detection being that so many companies come up with bad toolbars that when you develop a good one you've got to work extra hard to not have it pestered by anti-spyware applications. Kudos to all the anti-spyware companies out there though as they're on top of updating their systems. Hopefully we'll be able to get the word out on the College Toolbar and all this will be a beer drinking memory.

Too bad I didn't do all this research earlier when my notebook computer was infected with spyware strike. Yuk.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
  Hey People are trying my firefox toolbar
I created a firefox toolbar from hand learning about how Firefox extensions work and created a page about it on my website. Well apparently Google and Yahoo thought my cool toolbar page So now I notice that people are actually downloading and using my toolbar thats primarily just a bunch of programming, tools, seo, design and news links that I use daily. I thought that was pretty cool that others would try out my little tool so I registered with Mozilla's addon site and submitted my toolbar. We'll see how that goes but regardless I'm very entertained that one person would use my search & bookmark toolbar.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
  I've been reading the reports from Search Engine Strategies
Over the last few days I've been watching Search Engine Watch Blog reports as they come in on whats going on at SES. Its always very interesting stuff and I like to see if I've been keeping up with the times according to the experts from Google, Yahoo and the likes. This time I'm right on top of things and appear to be pushing in the right direction as far as development goes. My primary development testing ground is my personal website and I've made alot of behind the scenes changes so that it better exists in todays Internet. The best thing about technology conferences such as SES is that all the perspectives give you new perspective on whats going on with the World Wide Web.

In other news I did some house cleaning on my website and got more organized over the weekend so that I could roll out my Jerry Odom RSS Feed and I'm starting to work on the individual categories on my website so they each have their own feed. Pretty fun work. I always like working with XML type technologies at our company because they're easy but they can do big things.

College Toolbars has been coming along swimmingly. I've been testing our toolbars on Internet Explorer 7 and they look great. I would say the logos look better than on IE6 and the product seems to run smoother. Good job Microsoft so far on the new browser.
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