2006 FIFA World Cup - USA vs. ITaly
I went and watched team USA soccer play at Fox and The Hound English pub in Baton Rouge. It was a great time as there were about 40 other people there to watch the match. I was glad we weren't the only people in Baton Rouge thinking that you've gotta go in a European style bar and hang out for a soccer game.
Huge controversy around the referee making alot of bad calls with the two red cards against the USA and I've got to agree. I'm not an experienced soccer fan but that referee was handing them out like halloween candy. My friend who is an experienced soccer player was having a fit over the calls in the match. But our team tied and we're still alive so go Italy against the Czech Republic.
I think after this years world cup I'll start watching more soccer matches. The USA does have
Major League Soccer so probably some of that. I'd love to watch some European soccer such as the
FA Premier League. We shall see!