The importance of specifications in systems design
I can't express enough how important it is to have 100% certain specifications on a project before implementation. This is something that should always be double and triple checked. I say this because at this very moment I've been working on a project for 2 full days thinking I was supposed to do one thing when indeed I was supposed to be doing another. Typically this wouldn't be a problem for us but one small misunderstanding in language and you're lost! Yes programmers there is a reason you learn draw up all those boring system specifications in computer science classes. So that once you're in the world you can accurately gauge what you're supposed to be doing on something much larger!
Always check your specifications. Write them down and plan milestones so that as you complete your development you can re-check your specifications with your client/employer. Communication and understanding are key to success.
End of rant....back to work.