Geaux LSU Tigers
I've become a real fan for the LSU lady Tigers despide what happened with Pokie Chatman. They're just so good, so fast and so accurate. Back to the final 4 again for 2007! Big congrats and alot of pride over here. I can remember 2 years back being in Panama City Beach cheering for the girls while they were playing in the tourney.
Programming Microsoft .NET AND VBScriptI've been working with C# based ASP.NET pages and classical VBScript powered pages for the last month+ now. A very wild difference between the two in what you can do. The usability for the .NET 2.0 stuff seems almost unlimited. I can't imagine life before it even though I could accomplish anything quickly with a PERL/PHP cocktail.
.NET 2.0 is just so easy and stylish all at the same time. You set up a quick theme and establish useful pages with little or no real effort. I love it.
I wrote a quick
C# Programming book review about one of my favorite books from Wrox so far.